Sunday, 26 January 2014

Always something there to remind me...

I wrote a letter to my Rory when he was four months old and the last line I wrote was this:

"So if you don't mind, my baby, could you grow a little slower and remind me that I only get each moment once and before I know it I'll be dancing at your wedding wishing for one more night with my tiny baby."

I kept reminding myself of that, even in the middle of the night when I had been bouncing and rocking and singing for hours to get him to sleep. It helped me enjoy just being with my little love bug in difficult moments.

I've seen these gorgeous wall vinyls and wanted one so badly, only to discover that my walls are too rough (...sigh...). But my blog isn't called "How to make a penguin out of a tin can and a piece of string" for nothing so I improvised.

I found a pack of pressed polystyrene ceiling tiles floating around in my garage and with the help of some vinyl and washi tape created a 3D vinyl tile.

 So now I will always have something there to remind me that my baby wont be small forever and I must enjoy every moment!

Hope this brings some inspiration and new ways to decorate your walls.

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