My latest creation was super fun and colourful. I saw it on a T.V. programme and just had to try it.
You will need:
- Canvases of any size ( I chose an A4 and two square 15cm frames)
- wax crayons
- glue
- a heat gun or hair dryer
- optional extra decorations ( I used rhinestones, acetate stickers and a silver marker)
Choose the colours you wish to melt. For the first I chose rainbow colours and the second I chose blues, grey and black ( I called this one "Silver lining" and you'll see why later.) Then I broke the crayons in half because I felt they were too long otherwise and using craft glue stuck them to the canvas and left it to dry.
Once dry put the canvas up against a wall but protect the wall and the surface it's standing on with newspaper. I found leaning it at a slight angle most effective.
Using your heat gun or hairdryer melt the crayons. Watch the angle of the heat gun as it causes the wax to spatter. When the wax starts to run and you are happy with the design, stop and leave it to set. You can add embellishments like gluing rhinestones or using stickers.
To make a split frame stand the frames up so they are touching ( I used a ruler behind them for support) then do the same procedure for melting as above.
For the small frame I added a line of silver embossing into the wax and wrote a quote in silver ink
"We are the silver lining in any and every dark cloud we could ever find. There is no need to go looking for the light when you bring it with you." - Tyler Knott Gregson